Monday, April 20, 2009

God Bless Youtube!

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself (Youtube logo)

So while browsing one of my favorite websites of all time (something I do quite a few times a day), I ran across something that gave me a slight pleasant shock. I was mainly surprised for the fact that on a site that I browse solely for the purpose of what many would call "lowbrow entertainment", I found something quite "highbrow" that would actually pertain to the class itself.

The wonderful discovery that I came across is something Youtube Classics - a recent phenomenon set up in order to make time-honored works of film more accessible to the masses (and yes, it seems that the words of a wise man by the name of Karl Marx are coming true.... "socialism is the future")

In this section of the website, Youtube "users" (and that means anyone, since you aren't required to have an account) can choose from a wide-variety of films that can can watch in their entirety as a single "video"
(and yes even some titles that were mentioned in class by the main man, titles such as the The Blue Lagoon)

And probably the best part is - the extensive film collection covers a huge plethora of different genres: anything from goofy comedies, serious dramas, foreign films and even a few thought-provoking documentaries can be found here....

This is the link to the Youtube Classics

Everyone Enjoy!


  1. That is AWESOME! Thank you for showing me that. I found a few movies that I've wanted to see but never got a chance.

  2. No problem bro =D

    I only watched the first 13 minutes of "Blue Lagoon" ---> I'm not gonna watch the movie in its entirety today, but it seems like a pretty good one thus far...

    Out of the full-length films that I have browsed through so far, "Higher Learning" seems like the most interesting one

  3. And which movies have you found exactly???

    Any thoughts on "Higher Learning" ---> film fanatic? XD

  4. Well from a quick once over I saw Carrie, which I have seen before but it's such a good movie I wouldn't mind watching it again. Also a film called Little Deiter Needs to Fly, which was a documentary that inspirsed the movie Rescue Dawn starring Christian Bale.

  5. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

    Apropos your quote: Do eagles sour? Lemons perhaps, personalities, maybe. Relationships, definitely. But I've never seen an eagle sour. Is it a cocktail? A bird with indigestion?

    You gush profundities.

  6. In regards to your comments about my profound quote....

    Wow, just wow ---> LOL

    Nothing seems to get by you, not even one misspelled word... hahaha

    And just for the record, the "Eagle Sour" IS a new cocktail that I picked-up during my stay in the Dominican ;-)

  7. Very cool Yuriy.. I will definitely check out the site. Nice catch!
